So to use this information plug them into songs or chord progressions that you can start to see everything all over the neck. For example:
Progression 4: G – D – Em – C
Start anywhere, in the video I start with G as a C shape (10th fret, 5th String). Find the closest root note for the rest of the chords. D (10th fret, 6th String) as a G Shape. Em (7th fret on the 5th string) as an Am Shape and C (8th fret 6th string) as an E Shape.
Another way to look at why I use a Cm shape is to realize in order to see all the shapes all over the neck we want to use every shape. So if I were to start with G as a C Shape, the next one I’d want to use is G as an A shape, then G as a G Shape, then G as an E Shape then G as a D Shape.
Following that I’d want to use D in the same regard. D I started used as a G shape (when G was a C Shape), so then D as an E shape, D shape, C shape then A shape. and so on with all the shapes.
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