Here are three licks that revolve around our Major Arpeggio Shapes. These can really help internalize the arpeggio shapes and give you a few cool ways to add them into your solos. Feel free to try them in as many keys as you can and in a multitude of tempos. Thank you!

-Related Lessons-

0:23 – Major CAGED Arpeggio Shapes | CO 3/10
1:13 – Slides, Hammer-ons, Pull-offs, Palm Muting & Rakes
1:50 – Slash Chords (Inversions)
4:11 – Country Guitar Techniques


 CAGED Arpeggio Shapes, CAGED Chord Shapes, CAGED Scale Shapes & Major Arpeggio Inspired Licks Tab

Backing Tracks – Major Progressions