Transposing by using chords as numbers:

Scales are 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

– Since scales are build the same regardless of which note you start on. The chords that coincide with each scale are the same.

The 1 will always be Major (I)

The 2 will always be minor (ii)

The 3 will always be minor (iii)

The 4 will always be Major (IV)

The 5 will always be Major (V)

The 6 will always be minor (vi)

The 7 will always be diminished (vii)

Use two keys and CAGED Shapes (or capo) to transpose!

-Related Lessons-

0:06 – Naming a Chord?! | UGT 4/8
1:21 – Major CAGED Chord Shapes | CO 1/10
5:08 – Chords Don’t Fit (Chords as Numbers)?! | UGT 6/8


 Theory, Chord Numbers WorksheetChord Numbers_Answers, Chord Numbers Transposing Worksheet & Chord Numbers Transposing_Answers