Instead of going through a million songs and pointing out the different target notes, a lot of songs are build on the same progressions. Here’s another really common progression: I vi ii V (1 6 2 5). To solo better over this chord progression I’m picking out the 3rd of each chord to target. In the key of A this chord progression would be A — F#m — Bm — E.

The Thirds we’re aiming for are:

A Chord — C# Note (Red)

F#m Chord — A Note (Green)

Bm Chord — D Note (Yellow)

E Chord — G# Note (Blue)

It seems like an exercise right now but it’s really training your ear to instinctively pick these notes in your solo. Stick through it!

-Related Lessons-

0:19 – Transposing (Chords as Numbers)?! | UGT 5/8
0:36 – Major Scale Shapes | CO 7/10


 I vi ii V (1625) Target Notes & CAGED Arpeggio Shapes, CAGED Chord Shapes, CAGED Scale Shapes, CAGED Pentatonic Scale Shapes, 1625 Sheet

Backing Track

Major Backing Tracks