While these are less used than my previous “E” and “A” Shapes, it wouldn’t be complete without including these G – C – D Shapes. What’s great about looking at the chords this way is that we can see theory actually in use! A lot of times you can look at all these chord/arpeggio charts and feel like you have an infinite amount of work but if you start looking at these “shapes” less in terms of these arbitrary finger placements and more so a way to incorporate all the chord tones necessary to ensure the chord is complete it gets easier.
This is a great way to start visualizing our chord tones. Good thing is that the “D” shape is just like our “E” and “A” Shape… just minus a string. The “G” and “C” shapes are related as well!
It’s important to note is that we’re not flatting our Root (or 1). Instead we’re adding a note by finding the 7th a half step before the one. While not all the chord shapes are always playable, seeing the chords this way definitely helps bridge theory and what we’re playing.
The big takeaway from this is:
G Shape:
1 – 3 – 5 – 7 – 3 – 1
C Shape:
1 – 3 – 5 – 7 – 3
D Shape:
1 – 5 – 7 – 3
To build different 7th chords we just have to physically move certain chord tones to their appropriate places… regardless of what the actual note is!
Major 7 (What we began with): 1-3-5-7
Dominant 7: 1-3-5-b7
Minor 7: 1-b3-5-b7
m7b5: 1-b-b5-b7
To work through Arpeggios we just have to ensure everything is always in the 1-3-5-7-1-3-5-7 order.
-Related Lessons-
:16 – Major CAGED Chord Shapes | CO 1/10
:34 – Extended (7 9 11 13) Chords?! | UGT 3/8
1:01 – Visualize Chord Tones – G – C – D Shapes | Triads
2:34 – Major CAGED Arpeggio Shapes | CO 3/10
2:34 – Minor CAGED Arpeggio Shapes | CO 4/10
2:43 – Major 7 Arpeggios
2:56 – Dominant 7 Inversions (Whole Neck!)
3:12 – Minor 7 Arpeggios
3:31 – m7b5 Arpeggios
4:03 – Visualize Chord Tones – G – C – D Shapes | Triads
4:30 – Open 7th Chords
6:28 – Know Not Memorize Your Fretboard | Steps
6:36 – Major 7 Inversions (Whole Neck)
6:50 – Dominant 7 Inversions (Whole Neck!)
6:57 – Minor 7 Inversions (Whole Neck!)
7:06 – m7b5 Inversions (Whole Neck!)
Visualize Chord Tones | G-C-D | 7th Chords PDF, CAGED Chord Shapes, Theory, CAGED Arpeggio Shapes, 7th Arpeggio Shapes, 7th Chords, Major 7 Inversions, Dominant 7 Inversions, Minor 7 Inversions, m7b5 Inversions