Great song to play as a simple chord melody. I only go through how to play the chords and melody. You can arpeggiate however you see fit in between the notes… just be sure to never go higher than the melody!
-Related Lessons-
0:56 – Intro to Chord Melody | Layla Outro
1:09 – Open 7th Chords
1:28 – Building Chords?! | UGT 2/8
1:46 – Playing Open Chords | BO 4/10
2:24 – Major CAGED Chord Shapes | CO 1/10
4:10 – Slash Chords (Inversions)
4:32 – Finger Picking Overview
5:38 – Barred 7th Chords
6:10 – Extended Chord Shapes
6:22 –Power Chords (5 Chords)
Fields of Gold | Chord Melody , Open & Barre Chords, CAGED Chord Shapes, Slash Chords, Finger Picking Patterns, 7th Chords, Extended Chords & Power Chords