This Premium Lesson is meant to take ten chord progressions and give five different ways to play each progression. Included are written in ways to practice transitions (switching between each chord) for each variation of playing the chord progression.
Here is a list of what’s included in the download:
-Five 7 page PDF’s detailing how to play the same chord progression throughout the neck: each PDF written with chord charts, tablature and standard notation
-Video Overview: how to work through the PDF’s and ways to practice them
-100 mp3 examples of each variation played at 3 tempos (60bpm, 90bpm & 120bpm) with 2 Rhythms, clearly organized
-Master PDF Document detailing how to work through the exercises and time stamps of each mp3
-Supplemental Video List
-Supplemental PDF of Chords, Rhythms, Slash Chords and the fretboard layout
Beginner Transitions PDF Preview
Beginner Transitions mp3 Preview