Here’s a great “jam” song, “Takin’ Care of Business”! What’s so great about this one is just how universally known it is and how open to improv jamming this song is.
Now with that being said the Rhythm can be a bit tricky but with some effort it gets doable. The biggest thing is adding that pinky on the 2nd beat. It sounds simple enough, but having a rhythm that starts before the “1” definitely makes sure we’re feeling the riff properly.
C5 C6 C5 Bb5 Bb6 Bb5
+ 1 2 3 + (4) + 1 2 3 + (4)
F5 F6 F5 C5 C6 C5
+ 1 2 3 + (4) + 1 2 3 + (4)
C F Eb Bb
+ 1 + 2 + (3) (4) + 1 + 2 + (3) (4)
The “Hook” Solo is very much based upon the chords but luckily if you’re tooling around the C Minor Pentatonic Scale you don’t have to be quite as careful.
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3:14 – Minor Pentatonic Scales | CO 6/10
3:22 – Bending and Vibrato | Expressive Guitar Playing
4:25 – Pentatonic “Super Scale” | 1-3 1-3 Slide | 6th String Root
4:30 – Mixing Minor and Major Pentatonic Licks
4:30 – Major Pentatonic Scales | CO 5/10
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4:43 – Visualize Chord Tones – E and A Shapes | Triads
4:55 – 6th String Barre Chords | BO 9/10
4:55 – 5th String Barre Chords | BO 10/10
Takin’ Care of Business PDF, Octaves and Power Chords, Rhythms, 7th Chords, Triads, CAGED Pentatonic Scale Shapes, 1-3 1-3 Slide Scale Fretboard PDF