Really great solo to go through here, “Lights” by Journey. Something about Neil Schon… whether it’s in Journey, Santana or with Jan Hammer, he just nails it! This is a tasy solo that I break down into 6 parts.
Mostly the solo is in D major, in which he glides between the “G” Pentatonic Shape and “E” Pentatonic Shape… using the 1-3 1-3 Slide Scale I went through awhile back!
The fastest lick in the song is something I went through not long ago called “Pentatonic Fourths Exercise”, so check that video out for that same idea throughout all of our pentatonic shapes!
The last part of the solo is when a little bit of minor pentatonic creeps in, followed by another major lick (1-3 1-3 Slide from our 5th string).
*6:22 – Why the 12th fret on the 3rd string when that’s not in the scale? I don’t go through the chord progression of the song, due to wanting to get through the solo, but the chord progression is essentially: Bm – G – D – D throughout the solo (there’s an A in there too, but just for simplicities sake). So when he hits that 12th fret on the 3rd string… that note is a G… and it’s no coincidence that it happens right over that G Chord! (Here’s a couple of blogs that go through how to implement this into your solo:
“Visualize Chord Tones (Part 2)” Blog
“Visualize Chord Tones (Part 1)” Blog
“Use the Pentatonic Scales as the Bones of Your Playing” Blog
-Related Lessons-
1:05 – Pentatonic “Super Scale” | 1-3 1-3 Slide | 6th String Root
1:13 – Major Pentatonic Scales | CO 5/10
1:25 – Slides, Hammer-ons, Pull-offs, Palm Muting & Rakes
1:59 – Bending and Vibrato | Expressive Guitar Playing
2:13 – Slides, Hammer-ons, Pull-offs, Palm Muting & Rakes
3:41 – Bending and Vibrato | Expressive Guitar Playing
6:52 – Pentatonic “Fourths” Exercise
8:55 – Minor Pentatonic Scales | CO 6/10
9:12 – Blending the Major and Minor Pentatonic
10:52 – Pentatonic “Super Scale” | 1-3 1-3 Slide | 5th String Root
Lights Solo PDF, 1-3 1-3 Slide | Fretboard, CAGED Pentatonic Shapes